Winners of the Undergraduate Thesis Prize 2019: Caroline V. Olsson and Gustav Alexandrie


We are pleased to announce that our inaugural Undergraduate Thesis Prize for Global Priorities Research has been awarded to Caroline V. Olsson and Gustav Alexandrie for their thesis “A beef with growth? An empirical analysis of income and animal farming.” In their thesis, Olsson and Alexandrie address the impact of GDP growth on the number of farmed animal life years per capita. This is an important question to consider when assessing potential (unintended) impacts of growth and development on the welfare of non-human animals, and Olsson and Alexandrie tackle it with care and rigour. The thesis was submitted at the University of Stockholm Department of Economics.

About the Undergraduate Thesis Prize

The prize was on the basis of the candidate's ability to produce and communicate insights relevant to the problem of global prioritisation, as demonstrated by their undergraduate thesis, dissertation, or other substantive work forming part of their graduation semester in the fields of economics and philosophy. The prize comes with a stipend of £2,000.